A trend of feminisation of public employment is being observed in India. This could help achieve gender parity in employment and achieve higher human development levels. But high job quality is also…
Rajasthan’s urban Indira Gandhi Shahri Rozgar Guarantee Yojana, launched in 2022, has worked well so far and should be continued. There is of course room for improvement. Implementation needs to be…
The PLFS for 2022-23 reports the highest workforce participation rate and the lowest unemployment rate in the last six years. This has been the result of the entry of an increasing number of women…
While the connection between GDP and job growth in India has been poor, there has been a rapid increase of women in the modern services; while there has been greater job mobility, this has been very…
Women’s participation in work turns out to be much higher than usually estimated when modifications are made to the questions asked in surveys, the time period covered and, most important, who is…
The co-existence of seasonal and regular employment has posed a challenge over the decades for accurately measuring unemployment in India. An explainer and a discussion in the light of the puzzling…
Cultural factors do not explain why so few women are in paid work. The demands of housework and the need to care for the elderly limit the ability of many women to work outside. When they do look for…